What Safety Features Are Available for the BMW X3?

September 24th, 2018 by

2019 BMW Offers Advanced Safety Features

It doesn’t matter if you’re driving through Studio City or Los Angeles, you want to be sure that you’re safe on the road. That is why this BMW sports numerous safety features that come standard and available. These features utilize advanced technology to monitor the road around you and alert you to potential danger.

Some of the safety features available on this BMW can even make corrective changes to your driving to help you avoid, or mitigate the damage from, a collision. Check out a few of the features below and let us know which one is your favorite!

  • Active Cruise Control with Stop and Go: This feature allows you to set a cruising speed and a follow distance. That means that it will lock in your preferred cruising speed and will slow down with the flow of traffic. It can even come to a complete stop and start driving again so Los Angeles traffic is a bit more manageable.
  • Blind Spot Detection: Have you ever gone to switch lanes only to be honked at by someone who was hiding in your blind spot? This feature monitors your blind spot and warns you when someone is hiding there so you can change lanes with confidence.
  • Active Lane Keeping Assistant: It’s not uncommon to get distracted and find yourself drifting from your lane. This feature will alert you when you begin to do so. With this, you can catch yourself before you accidentally drift off the road or into oncoming traffic.
  • Frontal Collision Warning with City Collision Mitigation: This feature warns you when you will be in a likely front end collision. It does this to give you more time to react and possibly avoid the collision. It can even activate the brakes on its own in slow-moving city driving to help avoid or mitigate the damage from the collision.

These features only scratch the surface of everything the BMW X3 offers. If you are interested in learning more about these safety features, call or stop by our dealership today. One of our knowledgeable staff members will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have!

Source: Century West BMW Blog